Individual coaching
Individual coaching
These are one-to-one coaching sessions between coach and coachee.
These are one-to-one coaching sessions between coach and coachee.

Sessions take place at the coach's place, online, the coachee's office or another suitable place. I also coach on a walk in the park or forest.
I consider the ideal length for an individual coaching session to be about 90 minutes, but slightly shorter or longer periods are possible, depending on what the coachee would like to achieve in a session.
After an exploratory discussion, a cycle of a certain number of sessions is agreed with a week or two or more between them. That time is as important for the coachee as the coaching itself.
Many coachees, for example executives who are often on their own in solving issues or taking decisions, prefer to see their coach regularly,
e.g. once a month or once a quarter, with a possibility to schedule additional sessions as necessary.

Group and team coaching
Group and team coaching

Group coaching
Group coaching
These are sessions involving several coachees sharing similar interests. Such sessions create cross-fertilisation by the coachees hearing and commenting on individual coaching sessions, generating additional insights, ideas and impetus.
Team coaching
Team coaching
Your team could be more productive or effective, or it would simply like to grow to optimal strength?
Team coaching can create greater alignment and intensify cooperation and motivation by highlighting what unites the team and by translating common values more strongly into action. Team coaching can also induce necessary change or make it more acceptable.
Individual coaching sessions with members of your team are an alternative or complement to team coaching, provided that the team member shares your goal and is keen to engage.

Rates and pro bono
Rates and pro bono

My rates are competitive. I apply package terms to teams.
Before engaging, I invite potentiel clients to a free-of-charge one-to-one exploratory session.
Pro bono
Pro bono
I am active as a juror and coach for star​tsocial, an organisation who, under the auspices of the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, supports charities via coaching assignments, mentoring and technical advice. (Spot me in the picture.)